Inspiring Today's Educators. Transforming Today's Classrooms.
What if your teaching time didn’t consist of battling so many behavioral issues?
What if you had fewer office referrals and less classroom disruptions?
This research-based training program delivers results including:
If you are ready to transform your classroom(s), CLICK HERE!
improved student self-confidence
fewer office referrals
less paperwork
stronger teacher-student relationships
fewer classroom disruptions
and so much more

Meet Frances Leary.
Frances is a dynamic speaker, author, and trainer who has traveled in the US, Canada, Europe and Africa, engaging audiences and inspiring positive change. As an educator she earned National Board Certification in English/Language arts and has experience teaching in elementary, middle, and high school classrooms, as well as at the university level. Her approach to teaching and training has been highly influenced by her master’s degree in folklore. Folklore can be defined as the transmission of human beliefs through cultural communication, and Frances takes a “folkloric approach” to teaching. This process of examining and considering diverse worldviews, cultural backgrounds, learning styles, and more, is indispensable to the educational process. However, in today’s world, teachers are so often overwhelmed with classroom management distractions and other time-sucking and emotionally-draining efforts that transformative teaching and learning can fall to the wayside.
Frances helps educators overcome these challenges and so they can put teaching and learning back at the center of their classroom experiences. She entertains and inspires educators while delivering practical tools and strategies that transform today’s classrooms.

Frances is an authentic, charismatic presenter with a tremendous knowledge base.
- Secondary Teacher
Frances' passion and flair for offering solutions to educators to help them thrive and grow is outstanding.
- Elementary Admin
Working with Frances has literally changed the way I teach.
- Elementary Teacher
Some of the most useful PD ever.
- Secondary Teacher